Welcome to Catalogue #256
Posted On Sep 10, 2022 | Aviation,Military Biography,Military General,Napoleonic,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments
A late start this month—apologies. You will find Catalogue #256 here. A lot going on here in the beautiful west from much needed rain to a delightful 3 week visit from our son Toby and his lovely family from Canada. The two kids Cormac and Brigid are a pure delight. Our house certainly wasn’t built to house 6 adults, but we managed. Today we learned of the death of the Queen, Elizabeth 2 who, at 96, led the Commonwealth for 70 odd years. It is certainly the end of an era with King Charles 3 about to ascend the throne. I hope he’s a 10th of the calibre of his mother. Stand by for 10 days of pomp and circumstance, the burial and the crowning of Charles and various other aspects. The death of a much adored monarch will indicate how valued the Royal family is by the people of Great Britain and other commonwealth nations. There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Charles has a serious act to follow. Lets hope our Republican movement (less the appalling Greens) here can hold their fire for the 10 days at least. If our PM goes for a referendum too soon, it will be rejected out of hand which is our custom with referenda. Albo has barely got his feet under the desk and there are an awful lot happening around the place especially the bastardry of Russia, the sabre-rattling of China and the general poor performance of the Wallabies. Australia has been quite stable under the monarchy system so to change it to something which may not sit well with the people is folly IMHO. I think a republic will come but not in the lifetime of the current agitators and other fellow travelers.
As for books there a few good ones listed here so it’s first in best dressed as usual. The pair of 7RAR books on the cover are probably the most detailed books on a single unit in the Vietnam War. As usual, this catalogue is dedicated to servicemen and women who gave their all in defence of this country and those who continue to serve it.
It is also dedicated to my very dear friend GRAHAM LEVEY who tragically lost his life a week or so ago. Such a shock, he was a vibrant, a super friendly man and a collector of Indigenous artifacts and books. You are sorely missed (RIP old son). And to my mate LAWRIE (TRUCK) SAMS who is banged up in a Perth hospital with serious problems. Thinking about you cobber, get well soon and we hope to get out to visit you in the near future.
Vaya con Dios Mick & Jo