November Catalogue #258
Posted On Nov 05, 2022 | Napoleonic,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments
Welcome to Catalogue #258, November 2022. We’ve had a dream run here in sunny WA compared to the flood devastations witnessed on the East Coast. So much for the numpty who predicted the dams would never fill up again. Maybe he should get a job with the Bureau of Met so he can get an inside view before mouthing off. This list is limited to five categories only— Napoleonic (etc), Special Forces, Vietnam, World War 1 and World War 2. These are the categories most favoured by my legion of readers. I still have many books from the other categories so if you’re looking for a particular book, give me a call and I’ll try to unearth it. Some of the unit histories listed herein have never been listed by me before. It’s such a bookseller’s thrill to have them come across my desk. I haven’t seen some of them for 30 years. As usual, I think everything is well prices given the rarity of many. And of course, it’s first in best dressed. Once again we’re witnessing the political chaos in democratic countries being led by the US, Britain & Canada. And that’s without mentioning Israel and Ukraine. Even in our own backyard, we see dictatorial attitudes in Victoria and Qld. The best bit about democracies is that once the people are fed up, the government will be thrown out. The authoritarian states, China, North Korea and Russia don’t have these fears. As always, this list is dedicated to soldiers, past and present who are now not travelling well. Best M & J |