Rare finds in Catalogue 201
Posted On May 15, 2017 | American Civil War 1861-1865,Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Napoleonic,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments
Welcome to Catalogue 201, May 2017. Celebrated my 70th birthday last month, a monumental affair, surrounded by a few close friends, family and fellow lovers of fine red wine. Anyway, that’s now come and gone and all I can do is rejoice each morning when I realise I’m still on the mortal coil. Today is Mother’s Day and seeing my poor old Mum is long gone, I stayed in bed and left it to my industrious daughter to pamper her. And the Dockers pulled off one of the most stunning victories seen for years with no help at all from the bias Melbourne commentators. This all counts for very little in the world of military book selling. My list 200 was very successful and I thank you all. This list has a diverse range of titles as usual with a number of new or rarely listed titled. They’re all one offs so speed is essential. My SIMMO title is again listed at the reduced price of $45. We’ve sold 810 of the original print run of 1,000 so the sooner we can sell them all, the quicker we can distribute the proceeds to veterans charities (Perth Legacy and the SAS Benevolent Fund). It’s a pretty tricky time for world peace at the moment with the nonsensical sabre rattling of North Korea, Russia and China stirring the pot as usual and poor old us, sitting and watching knowing that we will be dragged into something or other very soon. Lets hope Mr Trump’s advisors are wise enough to ensure he keeps his hair on. And it looks like we’ll be doubling down on more combat troops for Afghanistan. And we all know who their first choice will be. Hard to understand why we continue to get involved in these stoushes so far from home. As usual, this list is dedicated to those who have lost their lives in service especially the two young diggers who were killed in training in recent weeks. RIP. And of course, those who have given their all and are now suffering the consequences of that service. Remember, we are here for each other. Ring a mate. Via con Dios Mick &