A brave new world – Imprimatur Books
Posted On Apr 02, 2020 | Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Napoleonic,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments
Welcome to Catalogue 229, April 2020. Sitting here in splendid isolation, me downstairs surrounded by books, her upstairs beavering away with her Festival work. I get to speak to lots of people on the phone (and her with back-to-back Zoom conferences) but I haven’t sighted another human in the flesh besides my beloved. Food deliveries from restaurants is our main food chain at the moment. So…to books. Our online books are business-as-usual—not too many new titles in this list but plenty of recycled gems and oldies, ready to post and provide you with plenty of reading material for the duration. Again I dedicate this list to the first responders, doctors, nurses and hospital staff as well as the Defence Force. Heroes all. We should all recognize their absolute and selfless commitment to the rest of us. So we will see you on the other side. Fondest Mick and Jo