Catalogue #252
Posted On May 03, 2022 | Aviation,Military General,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments
Welcome to Catalogue #252 May 2022. Since my last list we’ve had some very welcome rain here in the West with the season ‘Djeran’ settled in. Pleasant clear days and cool nights. This a shortened version of my usual offering and I’ve rested Military Biography, Military General, Espionage, Human Endeavour, Naval and Napoleonic. I thought I’d give these categories some R&R this month and will re-insert some of them for June. If anyone’s chasing a particular title in the unlisted categories, check our web site or give me a call. This list is dedicated to my cousin PETER MALONE who was KIA in Vietnam in Jan 1969. He’d extended his 12 month tour so he and I could meet up (I deployed with 3 SAS Sqn on 18 Feb 69. We missed each other by a month. RIP Pete.) (His father Terry Malone was a WO1 in the AATTV at the time) An account of his death is in the book ‘JUNGLE TRACKS’ in this catalogue.(#58). It’s a chaotic period at the moment with our election looming, Putin’s stupidity in the Ukraine and the rise of the politically correct everywhere. Not sure what my father’s generation would make of this given their sacrifices in WW2 and the Great Depression. No doubt there are plenty of young people of high calibre waiting to step up over the next decade and relieve us of the gormless specimens currently in charge on both sides. But…it is what it is and we can do little about it. Vote. Thoughts go out to those not traveling well. M & J |