The Great War 1914-1918

A great selection of Australian Unit Histories plus 100’s of books on Gallipoli, and the Western Front. A lot to choose from.

Contact me for available titles.

Catalogue #241

Posted On May 01, 2021 | Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Naval,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments

Welcome to Catalogue #241 of May 2021. We woke this morning to the tragic news of the untimely death of the formidable JIM TRUSCOTT, OAM, aged 64, adventurer, mountaineer, ex commander of 2 Cdo Company Melbourne, SAS major who made his mark in Timor when Tim McOwan took a squadron over there to vanquish the Indonesians and fellow travelers, loving...

Catalogue #240

Posted On Apr 04, 2021 | Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Napoleonic,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments

Welcome to Catalogue #240, April 2021. The world is still in pretty big strife coping with the COVID 19 pandemic although we are infinitely better off here in Australia compared to many other places. There have been 128,000,000 cases world wide with 2,790,000 dying from it so far. Another 72,500,000 have recovered. Australia’s figures are way do...

Christmas Catalogue #237 20% Discount

Posted On Dec 01, 2020 | Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments

Welcome to our Christmas 20% off Catalogue 237. As we head into the festive season it is also the disconcerting season. The unprecedented attack on my Regiment SASR by the disgraceful media, politicians of all stripes and lastly by the military leadership who have turned their faces to the wall for over a decade. But it appears the Government have...

Come November – Catalogue #236 – Imprimatur Books

Posted On Dec 01, 2020 | Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Napoleonic,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments

Welcome to Catalogue 236 November 2020. A burst of summer heat then raining like cats and dogs. It was ever thus. Sunday in lovely Perth is something for which we are ever grateful. The PICA Vernissage last night was most impressive and the red wine flowed. I was most interested in the Caravaggio-like ’Narcissus in Metamorphosis’ trio of frame...

Catalogue 234 September 2020

Posted On Oct 11, 2020 | Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Napoleonic,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments

Welcome to Catalogue 234, September 2020. As we go to print on this ‘soon to be spring’ day, we celebrate the remarkable Teddy Sheean who is to be awarded the VC for his actions on HMAS ARMIDALE on 1 December 1942. At 18 years old the youngest member of the crew when it was attacked by Japanese planes off Timor. Instead of abandoning ship like...

Lockdown List #233

Posted On Aug 01, 2020 | American Civil War 1861-1865,Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Napoleonic,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments

Welcome to Catalogue #233, August 2020. The dead of winter here in lovely Perth is quite mild in comparison to the places our kids live—Tasmania and Canada! We had intended to be in Canada for Christmas with the grandies but the lock-down has thwarted our plans. In the past our Canadian trip also meant we could slip down to the States and catch ...

Winter Selection

Posted On Jun 30, 2020 | Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments

Catalogue #232 comes in the middle of a reasonably cool winter. Lovely to see a bit of good rain in these parts. Our favourite lake has been replenished and the bird life is abundant. Being locked down at home for so long has suited me perfectly as it has Jo although she misses the personal interaction with her mates. is what it is. Weâ€...

Recovery Catalogue #231

Posted On Jun 10, 2020 | Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Napoleonic,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments

Welcome to Catalogue #231, June 2020. Whilst still in the middle of the pandemic lock-down, thanks to technology we’re still able to reach most of our book buyers via email, zoom and the phone. We still send a few hard-copies but far less than when we first started. It was hard copy only and all hands on deck (mothers-inlaw etc) to build the cat...

Post ANZAC Day Catalogue #230

Posted On May 02, 2020 | American Civil War 1861-1865,Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Napoleonic,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam | No Comments

Welcome to Catalogue #230, post ANZAC Day 2020. Even though most of us were confined to barracks because of this COVIS 19 bug, we celebrated the day in a most wonderful way. Thousands of people stood out on their doorsteps, driveway and balconies at 6am with candle in hand and welcomed the sun. It was a great way to remember the thousands wh...

A brave new world – Imprimatur Books

Posted On Apr 02, 2020 | Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Napoleonic,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments

Welcome to Catalogue 229, April 2020. Sitting here in splendid isolation, me downstairs surrounded by books, her upstairs beavering away with her Festival work. I get to speak to lots of people on the phone (and her with back-to-back Zoom conferences) but I haven't sighted another human in the flesh besides my beloved. Food deliveries from restaur...