Imprimatur Books – a Mid Winter’s tale Catalogue #265
Posted On Jul 02, 2023 | Military General,Napoleonic,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments
Once again, a new FY is upon us – and a new Catalogue #265. It will be interesting to see how the powers spread the largesse to the masses in this ‘winter of our discontent’ (apologies to the Bard). There are a lot of people out there doing it hard especially those with mortgages and small kids. Grocery prices appear to go UP on a daily basis. And electricity is in a constant state of flux. The big end of town are doing extremely well based on the flood of electric cars on the roads and the size of TVs in the shops. Poor old pensioners are really watching their pennies but are a resilient lot having been ‘around the houses’ a few times before. The generation prior to the baby boomers were the tough ones having lived (and died) through two disastrous World Wars and the Great Depression. Us boomers watch incredulously at the modern generations (X, Y and Z?) and wonder what sort of lives will they see. With Russia and China being the world’s bully boys who seem to be on the edge of conflagration on a daily basis. The West needs to remain vigilant.
And so to books. Quite an eclectic collection here in Catalogue #265, 31 years in the making. Been awhile, a most enjoyable past time. My own biography staggers along. Will probably be another “War and Peace” (apologies to Tolstoy) without his literary merit. Still awhile to go yet I’m afraid—don’t hold your breath. In the meantime, this list is again dedicated to those diggers are doing it hard and those who served and died. You will be remembered. RIP.
Vaya con Dios
M & J