March Edition Catalogue #261
Posted On Mar 06, 2023 | Aviation,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments
At last the first glimpse of autumn here in the very dry West. This is Catalogue #261 of March 2023. Whilst the eastern states have been inundated with heavy rain and ironically, some bush fires, we’ve had none of the former with a modicum of the latter. Hopefully, our winter here will be the wettest on record. Our local lake in Hyde Park is looking a bit shabby with mud and algae in abundance as it dries. A good flushing rain will do it the world of good and the population of swans and other bird life will return. This weekend saw the Hyde Park Fair in full swing with thousands of people thronging the narrow pathways. Lovely to see so many kids enjoying themselves after the desolation of the Covid years.
For those who haven’t realized, we’ve been running ‘Auction #1’ from our website (imprimaturbooks.com.au) which will continue to evolve as we continue to add new titles The first one has been quite successful despite some issues on the back end. Hopefully, it is righted now. The ‘Buy Now’ facility means a sought-after titles can be snapped up at that price. Be aware that the offering prices are well below the reserve price. Again, we’ve limited the categories to those of most interest adding ‘Aviation’ to the mix this time. A few good books on offer as usual, generally ‘one offs’ so get in early.
The world seems to be ramping up their defence (and offence) capabilities, all except Australia. Military procurement has been off the pace for many years and we still insist in procuring weapons from a by-gone era when we should be paying attention to what future protagonists are doing. Cyber war and other technological aspects such as drones should be very high on our agenda. We’re very late coming to the table on submarines and you can guarantee our politicians will continue to put their own political survival ahead of the rest of us. Again thinking of past diggers and those doing it tough.
Vaya con Dios
M & J