Military Books August List
Posted On Aug 03, 2019 | Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Naval,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments
Welcome to Catalogue #221, August 2019. We’ve had a pretty cool winter here in the wild west but things are looking up as spring approaches. As an experiment we’ve not used any heaters in the house downstairs and upstairs this winter. Wearing more clothes and blankets on the lounge is the answer. There are many recently acquired titles in this list and many that have appeared more often. But, as usual, they are generally ’one-offs’ and once gone, it’s impossible to predict when I will see them again. The book that graces the front page this month is SHOOTING FROM THE SHADOWS by Wings Williams. It tells the story of the NZ SAS troop in Vietnam with us (3 SAS Sqn) in 1969. Not a bad read. (I get a minor part in the story on a bridge demolition patrol). It’s now 50 years since we were there duckin ’n divin and people are still putting out books on that stoush. Caught a preview of the movie DANGER CLOSE—THE BATTLE OF LONG TAN 18 AUG 66 the other day. An outstanding movie IMHO. Very impressed with the attention to detail, accuracy and authenticity of everything from choppers, weapons, tents, vehicles and APCs. It’s a movie well worth seeing so when it’s released next week get your sorry butts down to see it. You will not be disappointed especially the ex soldiers among you.Anyway, this list is dedicated to those not travelling too well. Remember, we’re here for you. Via con Dios Mick & Jo