Recollections of Anzac Day
Posted On May 07, 2019 | Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Napoleonic,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments
Welcome to Catalogue #218, May 2019. ANZAC Day has come and gone and I must say the day is starting to get to me. The Dawn Service at Swanbourne was beautifully done by all concerned and the members we’ve lost since 1957 were respectfully commemorated with their images projected on a wall of the old MI building. It brought a tear to many a jaundiced eye. My lovely daughter Georgia once again accompanied me as she has done for much of her life. The Catafalque Party this year was made up of around 8 members, male and female, dressed in the uniforms of particular campaigns in which the Regiment has served from the camouflage/Brit greens of Borneo, Vietnam and Timor to the blue hats of the UN Peacekeepers and the beards of Afghanistan. The SAS memorial records the names of all who have been lost since inception in 1957. There are also slots in the wall for deceased members ashes. All in all it is a remarkable service enhanced by the usual brilliant speech by the current CO.