Winter Catalogue #244
Posted On Aug 01, 2021 | Military Biography,Military General,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments
Welcome to list #244, August 2021. For various reasons this is a shortened list with various categories given a rest for a month or so. In close analysis, it has been determined that these ‘rested’ categories were attracting little interest, so this month, we would stick to the main areas of interest, ie, WWI and WW2. But rest assured, we will have a full list very soon to include an old one of interest to me—’HUMAN ENDEAVOUR. This will include mountaineering, Arctic and Antarctic themes, survival, trekking and single-handed voyaging. I’ve got many books in this category that I can’t wait to list. Here in Perth, supposedly the driest capital in Australia, we had 28 days straight rain in July and hopefully all the dams, creeks and rivers are full as well as the aquifers. I love the rain as it takes me back to my childhood and the year I spent in the jungle in Vietnam. Although the dry season up there was particularly dry and dusty, the monsoonal rains that followed the dry were a real god send. There is nothing worse than a lack of water! It certainly taught us water discipline. The COVID plague has shut down Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane currently with Adelaide, Tasmania and Perth off the hook (for the time being) The stupidity and down right moronic behaviour of the so-called ‘freedom fighters’ in Sydney recently is beyond understanding. Which part of ‘safe community’ don’t they understand? I’m glad the NSW government has finally cracked down on these foolish antivaxxers who can, if not halted, bring danger to us all. Imagine if our mothers in the 50’s had refused to have us immunized against Polio? And the International Health Certificate (IHC) used by the Army to record all the jabs we had. There were some real nasties back in the day and were wiped out by vaccines. Anyway, it all certainly takes the attention off the ADF and the Afghanistan accusations. I cannot believe our judicial system would take evidence from the Taliban who are the worst perpetrators of human rights. So, this list is again dedicated to those who’ve served and those who never made it home. Forever remembered. Vaya con Dios Mick and Jo (in a soggy Perth) |