Winter Musings Catalogue #242
Posted On Jun 05, 2021 | Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Naval,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments
Welcome to Catalogue #242—at the onset of winter here in Perth. It’s been a savage summer here in Perth, a season I don’t relish as I get older. When young and fit it’s a glorious season but for us septagenarians, it’s a real hassle. We got our first serious rain over the last few days which was fantastic. Let’s hope it rains all winter. The farmers are reaping the rewards with bumper crops and dams full. The COVID lock down has hit Victoria again (4th time?) Whereas here in WA we are ‘fine and beaut’. It’s nice to go to a café for breakfast of a Saturday without a mask, and see the place packed. Cafes in Melbourne are going to the wall and of course, Scott Morrison gets the blame? Go figure! At a personal level, we’ve been distracted by the deaths of 4 people, mates all. First to leave this mortal coil was Jim Truscott (spoken about in the previous catalogue). Next was LtCol Reg Swarbrick who succumbed to Leukemia, next was my friend Helen Muir, book-seller who had been very ill with cancer. And the last one was an ex SAS bloke in Thailand Gene Bermingham. RIP to them all. I find the best thing about getting older is that people passing becomes more a natural part of the cycle and doesn’t hurt anywhere near as much as it did when I was young. They are all in a better place, pain free.
And so to books: there are some special titles in this list. The set of ‘Butlers’ on the front cover of the catalogue are indeed special. They have come from the ‘remainder block’ at a printers and binders left over from the production of the 1st editions in 1930-43 but were never bound hence remained ‘in the block’ for many years. They are 1st eds bound to match the original navy buckram and the gold titles as closely as possible . They are a most desirable set and whomever buys them will be extremely pleased with them. The other items of interest are the reprints of four (of 6) Idriess Guerrilla Series which are offered as a combined lot with a small discount. If the originals can’t be found (and they are extremely rare—a full set of 6 in mint condition can fetch up to A$3,000.) then these can be the start of your collection. As usual, this list is dedicated to those veterans still serving or deployed and those who have given their lives for the cause either in action or by their own hand on returning. Also, the desperately sad wives, families, mothers, fathers and all others who suffer the loss. It makes no sense at all.
Via con Dios my friends
Mick & Jo